Warmachine MKIV: Khador Winter Korps - Kapitan Ekaterina Baranova (Warcaster)
PIP 24003
Ekaterina Baranova is among the most powerful arkanists of her generation. Once the pride of the Greylords Covenant, which she served faithfully in the years following the infernal invasion, Baranova denounced the organization and her former tutors within it. With a meritorious service record and recommendations from both the Order of Illumination and the entire Old Faith Synod in Korsk, Baranova received an imperial pardon and was able to join the newly established Winter Korps as a kapitan in 618 AR. Her mastery of the arcane arts is not only singular among Khador's depleted ranks but in the whole of the Iron Kingdoms. She now hungrily awaits putting her talents to use against the hated Orgoth host now ravaging the Motherland's western shores.
Resin Components.
1 Miniature
‣ Kapitan Ekaterina Baranova
1 Plastic Base (30mm)
Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.